If you live in an area with hard water, like Central Texas, it can be beneficial to your health and to your wallet to get a water softener for your home.
“Softening” water is the process of removing minerals and dissolved particles from water. These minerals and particles are what make the water hard. In specific areas of the country, like Austin and the surrounding cities, water is harder than it is in other areas.
If you’ve noticed a strong taste or smell in your water, it might be a sign that your water is very hard and needs to be softened. Read on to find out why you need to invest in a water softener today.
For Your Health
Using soft water instead of hard water will help to improve the condition of your skin. The unfiltered minerals and particles in hard water can damage your skin and even absorb through your skin into your body. It can leave your skin feeling like it has an extra layer of dirt even after you use soap. Investing in soft water is an investment in your skin health for the future. After the very first time that you use soft water compared to hard water, you will notice softer and smoother skin and hair. Your hair and skin will also feel less itchy.
Financially Effective
Using soft water in your coffee maker and other household appliances does not cause damage to the appliances like hard water does. Hard water leaves behind a layer of built-up minerals and molecules that can eventually damage appliances and cause them to need to be repaired more. Soft water doesn’t damage appliances and doesn’t require you to replace them as much because they will be using the best water possible. This means less money on replacing or repairing these appliances.
The same can be said about pipes. Pipes will be clogged less if you’re using soft water instead of hard water. If your pipes are clogged less then you won’t need to pay for a plumber or new pipes as frequently. Also, since your pipes aren’t as clogged, it will save you money on the amount of pressure it takes to use your water. This can end up saving you money on your utility bill.
Fewer Watermarks
One of the biggest reasons that should invest in getting a water softener is to remove watermarks from anything you wash. This can range from clothes to dishes. If you’ve ever noticed little watermarks after you’re done cleaning a dish, or even on your actual sink, this is a huge indicator that your water is very hard. Soft water doesn’t leave behind these marks after you finish cleaning a dish or a glass. Hard water will also cause your clothing to fade more quickly. Your bright colors can become dingy after putting them in the laundry only a few times.
Getting a water softener also means that your soap will be more effective when doing laundry because it will be able to better penetrate your clothing. Better soap penetration will lead to a better lather and cleaning of your laundry.
Contact Your Austin Water Softener Providers
Would you like to have your water tested by a professional? Contact Austin Water Solutions, a water softener provider in Austin, TX, to learn more.