Most homeowners have heard of hard and soft water, but not everyone knows about the many effects hard water can have on your home. Hard water in your home happens when there is too much magnesium and calcium built up in your plumbing system. Having these minerals in your system is natural and there will always be at least a little bit in your water, but when too much gets built up it can cause several issues that are unhealthy and can impact you when you drink it or use your water.
Hard water can also have an adverse effect on your plumbing system and cause it to break down over time. It is important to test your water to see what its levels are and have an expert come to your home and show you how a water softener can help if your water is hard. Below are a few of the negative effects that can happen if you allow your water to stay too hard and why it is so important to get a softener.
Scale Builds Up on Fixtures and Appliances
Look at your appliances, faucets, or shower heads. If it looks as though there are mineral deposits or scale starting to build up on your appliances or faucets then you very likely have hard water. This type of buildup looks gross and can also affect the taste of the water in your home.
Hair and Skin Get Dry and Itchy
Hard water has too much calcium and magnesium in it which are two large contributing factors that can cause your skin to feel dry and your hair to still feel greasy or dirty. You need softer water that can get into your skin and hair and nourish them instead of drying them out. If you notice your hair feeling greasy or brittle and your skin feeling chapped and itchy, it is more than likely an effect of hard water in your home. A water softener can be your easy solution to better skin and hair.
Your Clothes Start to Fade After Being Washed
Something you probably would not even think about is the health of your clothes. If you have hard water in your home it is going to age and damage your clothes much faster than would happen if you had softer water. The calcium and magnesium in hard water will cause the colors in your clothes to be stripped away very quickly and cause your clothes and even your bed sheets to look faded and feel rough and scratchy.
If you have noticed any of these issues in your home then there’s a possibility that your home has hard water. When this is the case, it’s a good idea to consult a professional about a water softener or water conditioning system that would benefit your home. If you’re still looking for the right solution to hard water, contact Austin Water Solutions, a water softener provider in Austin, TX, to learn more.